StoryMaker Videos
Make sure you watch the videos that are for both StoryMaker and Flashcards.
Note: The videos were done a few years ago and some new features have been added since and some have changed in the latest StoryMaker. But the videos will still be useful.
- Create your first story
- How to edit a story
- Rearranging words in a story
- Editing videos in a story - Note: the easiest way to add videos to a story is while creating or editing it. Just click on the add video button on the left, below the button for adding pictures.
- Recording the student speaking the words on a page - Note: "View" mode is now called "Record" mode
- Recording sound effects for a story
- Making stories from videos
- Writing stories from pictures
- Treating 2 words as a single word
- Creating stories with word sets
- Colouring parts of speech
- Collating stories
- Using pictures from the internet - this has been simplified in the latest StoryMaker
- Options for working with StoryMaker - Note: the latest StoryMaker also allows you to create activities around Stories
- Using the "Recreate" option
- Exporting and importing stories
- Printing stories
- Changing the settings - Note: many of these can also be changed while working with a story by clicking on the car button at the top left.
- Working with the days of the week and months of the year