
A creative way to learn to spell words in a list

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  • Work with multiple students

    Tailored for multiple students with their own spelling lists. Use the students StoryMaker uses or add students who only use Spelling

  • Spelling lists can created, shared or created elsewhere

    Within StoryMaker, words can be added to a "From StoryMaker" list for the student (the student must be one of StoryMaker's users).

    When a student struggles with a word creating a story, right click the word to add it to the "From StoryMaker" list for that student.

  • Add or Edit the words in a list

    Words can be chosen from the StoryMaker word/sound database with over 25,000 words. You can also add words that are not in the database (See StoryMaker details for more information about this).

  • Add pictures, written and/or spoken prompts

    Add pictures and/or prompts to clarify the word being asked for - important where words with the same sound have different spellings

  • Different levels of difficulty

    Spelling is tested at different levels. Can which levels are used in the options and how many successful attempts are needed at each level

  • Level 1 example

    Just the letters in the word

    They must repeat the level as many times as selected in options and also repeat it if they make mistakes.

  • Level 2 example

    Other letters included

  • Level 4 example

    The whole keyboard

  • Level 5 example

    The word must be typed

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